I just adore the Kordes-raised "Fruhlings" roses, or at least the three that I know and love first-hand...Fruhlingsgold(above), Fruhlingsmorgen and Fruhlingsduft. There is another, by the hefty name of 'Fruhlingsanfang', which I am going to chase up for next year's bareroot order.
Related as they are to the old Spinosissima roses (also known as Scotch roses), these roses give the most brilliant Spring displays, and are nice-looking garden shrubs even when they are not in flower. The bees absolutely love them when they are blooming.
My Fruhlingsgold is the biggest of the three that I grow- he is easily eight feet tall and the same in width. No support is needed, and the flowers are very fragrant

Above: Fruhlingsgold ( 'Fruhling' meaning 'spring')


Above: The glorious Fruhlingsduft, which I purchased many years ago mis-labelled as 'Constance Spry'. This rose isn't as rampageous as its siblings Fruhlingsgold and Fruhlingsmorgen, but is still a large arching shrub rose that appears to be totally disease free.

Fruhlingsduft ("Scent of Spring')

Above: Fruhlingsduft showing the lovely golden-tipped pinkish-maroon stamens in the centre of the bloom.

Above: My specimen of Fruhlingsmorgen which grows intertwined with Fruhlingsgold. They both flower at the same time in October, and the effect is stunning.

Above: The sweet and simple blooms of Fruhlingsmorgen ("Spring Morning")
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