Above: One of my favourite David Austin roses, Jayne Austin. She is just d
ivine...perfect blooms, amazing scent which is impossible to describe, problem-free. Yet another old release Austin that I could not do without.

Above: The free-flowering Austin rose '
Lucetta'. I have several in the garden, and she is a cracker of a shrub rose

Above: One of the older Austins, Lilian Austin(named after David's mother) is one that actually remains quite smallish and contained as compared to her large and lusty English
contemporaries. She is truly lovely, and very generous with her flushes. Some people have trouble coping with her colour
tonings, which are pinkish orange with undertones of yellow, but the sight of Lilian in full flight is a sight to behold.

Above: Madame Gregoire
Staechelin on our front

Above: The softly-striped Bourbon rose
Honorine de Brabant, grown beside
Frulingsduft. I purchased this rose as 'Constance Spry', and am so desperately glad that it wasn't...as lovely as Constance is, I already had her in the garden, and it probably would never have crossed my mind to acquire

Above: The glorious
rugosa hybrid 'Rose a
Parfum De
L'Hay'- magnificent scent, healthy growth...has never been pruned or sprayed in over 12 years. Grown on the south side of our
verandah, it provides a fabulous view out of the kitchen window at this time of the year.

Above: Two shrubs of
Mutabilis. This season has produced a very
crimsony bloom, far more so than other seasons.
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